Dublin Dog Grooming Ltd



Conditions for Action

Contingency Action

Intended Result

Primary tutor is ill

Primary instructor is unable to conduct a scheduled course

Salon stylist or Director takes the course during the absence.  This action requires that assistants also be familiar with the training materials and course routine

Course is conducted without interruption of the schedule

Salon stylist is ill

Salon stylist is unable to assist Director during a scheduled course

A replacement is obtained if a qualified person is available, otherwise, the course is conducted without the Salon stylist

Course is conducted without interruption of the schedule

Failure of a workstation

2 other workstations are available in main salon

Two students can use additional tables

Students are able to continue the course without interruption

Failure of equipment

Equipment to groom dog has broken / not working correctly

Set of replacement equipment available

Students are able to continue the course without interruption

Model dog not arrived

Dog model has not kept to appointment resulting in a no dog for students

Contact owner to ask arrival time, find another dog from day care or students work together on one dog

Students are able to continue the course without interruption

Dublin Dog Grooming have identified the possible contingencies, the conditions for acting, the contingency action to be taken, and the intended result.